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Doc’s Orders on BookFunnel and Books2Read

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A Daddy and a bratty sub clash in this 10K MFMC short story

Fallon “Doc” Rickman

I am a war veteran, a doctor, and a member of the Merciless Few MC. My chosen family means everything to me, but I hold a secret close to my heart. I am both bisexual and enjoy a Daddy-Dom lifestyle. 

Throughout my life, I have never met someone who truly needs my guidance. That changes when I encounter Bella Stanton, a single mother whose teenage daughter I rescue from the clutches of sex traffickers. I have an irresistible urge to care for and discipline Bella, who can be rude and demanding. 

Will she reject me for my true self, or will she embrace me as her Daddy and follow my orders?

To fully appreciate the story and characters of Doc’s Orders, it’s suggested to read Almost Heaven first.

I first introduced Doc in Buc, Black Dagger MC 3. In fact, I brought the Almost Heaven crew into West Virginia in the Black Dagger Series!

When I was writing Almost Heaven, I learned some interesting things about Doc. I knew he was a war vet, but I didn’t know he was bi and a Daddy! When we met Diana’s sister, Bella, she hides her feelings behind a wall of anger. Doc is determined to take her in hand and then comfort the brat until she’s whole again.

Doc’s Orders is available on two different platforms; Book Funnel for those of us who have Amazon eReaders, and Books2Read, which gives subscribers of other retailers options.

If you need Book Funnel, go here Doc’s Orders on BookFunnel

To download on B&N, Apple, Scribd and others, go here Doc’s Orders on Books2Read

The link below is the newsletter article about Doc’s Orders being free and gives links to my other books in the Merciless Few MC series, and also the link to the Black Dagger Series. Or, you can sign up for my newsletter, which is monthly…or less.

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